The Brasserie Honey ~ Cayman

Since producing our own Brasserie Honey we’ve noticed a significant increase in the production of fruits and vegetables in our edible gardens around Cricket Square. Many plants rely on insects like bees in order to be pollinated. In gratitude, the plant provides nectar to the bee to say thank you.

Honey helps to keep your memory sharp. It contains ‘pinocembrin’, an antioxidant that improves brain function.

This golden liquid also contains flavonoids and phenolic compounds that help reduce the risk of some cancers and heart disease. Research shows that honey treatment may help disorders such as ulcers and bacterial gastroenteritis. All honey is antibacterial, because the bees add an enzyme that makes hydrogen peroxide. This contributes to the incredibly long shelf-life of honey.

Honey’s anti-bacterial qualities are particularly useful for acne treatment and prevention, while the antioxidants may assist slowing down the signs of ageing. It’s also moisturising and soothing for the skin.

Regular consumption of honey can give your immune system a boost because of its anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties. It can also help cleanse and build up your digestive system, which is essential for optimal health.

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